Transfusion medicine

Results: 3353

971Blood tests / Biology / Hematology / Hemoglobins / Hematopathology / Sickle-cell disease / Blood glucose monitoring / Blood transfusion / Blood sugar / Medicine / Anatomy / Diabetes

Pre-set single use safety lancets with Comfort Zone Technology ® When pressed against the sample site, a series of 8 raised dots on the platform stimulate the nerve endings. This sends a powerful message of comfort to t

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Language: English - Date: 2011-07-01 05:19:41
972Medicine / Laboratory information management system / Technology / Information technology / Blood transfusion / Blood bank / Cross-matching / Traceability / LabLynx /  Inc. / Information systems / Hematology / Transfusion medicine

Audit tool to assess compliance with the Guidelines for the specification, implementation and management of Information Technology (IT) systems in hospital transfusion laboratories Ref: Criteria Compliance Y N N/

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Language: English - Date: 2014-11-03 10:01:25
973Biology / Clinical pathology / Transfusion medicine / Plasmapheresis / HIV / Viral disease / Cobas / Hepatitis B / Hoffmann-La Roche / Medicine / HIV/AIDS / Sexually transmitted diseases and infections

Microsoft Word[removed]e.docx

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Language: English - Date: 2015-01-09 00:59:00
974Hematology / Coagulation system / Transfusion medicine / Blood products / Blood tests / Platelet / Red blood cell / Hemostasis / Hematocrit / Biology / Blood / Anatomy

Microsoft Word - 34_YSC_Zehnder.doc

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Language: English - Date: 2008-12-08 09:50:54
975Health / Pharmaceutical industry / Validity / Laboratory information management system / Validation / Traceability / Blood transfusion / Patient safety / Business continuity / Medicine / Information systems / Technology

Guidelines for the specification, implementation and management of information technology (IT) systems in hospital transfusion laboratories Date for guideline review June[removed]Address for correspondence:

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Language: English - Date: 2014-10-29 10:14:51
976Glycoproteins / Immune system / Meat / Transfusion medicine / Viruses / Hepatitis E / Pork / Immunoglobulin G / Blood donation / Biology / Food and drink / Anatomy

Prevalence of hepatitis E virus infection among blood donors resident in the Apennines mountains, central Italy, 2014 Claudia Lucarelli, Euphem Fellow (MS-Track, Italy) ESCAIDE, 7 November 2014, Stockholm, Sweden

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Language: English - Date: 2014-12-12 12:01:49
977Transfusion medicine / Blood products / Hematology / Coagulation system / Blood donation / Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease / Blood transfusion / Platelet / Plasmapheresis / Anatomy / Blood / Medicine


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Language: English - Date: 2013-12-20 06:20:29
978Blood tests / Biology / Hematology / Hemoglobins / Hematopathology / Sickle-cell disease / Blood glucose monitoring / Blood transfusion / Blood sugar / Medicine / Anatomy / Diabetes

Pre-set single use safety lancets with Comfort Zone Technology ® When pressed against the sample site, a series of 8 raised dots on the platform stimulate the nerve endings. This sends a powerful message of comfort to t

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Language: English - Date: 2011-06-30 11:28:25
979Transfusion medicine / Human blood group systems / RHD / Blood type / ABO blood group system / RHAG / Dominance / Platelet / Rh blood group system / Biology / Anatomy / Blood

Blood Groups, Platelet Antigens, and Granulocyte Antigens Quiz by Laura King, MA, ELS Directions: Edit the following sentences based on your understanding of section 15.1 of the AMA Manual of Style. 1. With the Lewis sys

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Language: English - Date: 2012-12-05 18:36:57
980Blood tests / Biology / Hematology / Hemoglobins / Hematopathology / Sickle-cell disease / Blood glucose monitoring / Blood transfusion / Blood sugar / Medicine / Anatomy / Diabetes

Pre-set single use safety lancets with Comfort Zone Technology ® When pressed against the sample site, a series of 8 raised dots on the platform stimulate the nerve endings. This sends a powerful message of comfort to t

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Language: English - Date: 2011-07-01 05:48:32